"Shri Ganesh ji Ko Namah, Om Hareeng Shareeng Kaleeng
Aikmukha Bhagwate Anuroopaye Survayugeshvaraya
Trilokyanathay Sarvakamphalpraday Namah".

In Chaitra month and Ashtami of Shukal Palasha pooja Of rudraksha txad be performed with coloured flowers. Dhoop, Kesar, Chandan and deip which be used in purifyingTilak or Chandan and Camphor used. Each flower purified with above mantra. After that bead be kept in cash safe Or worn in neck in gold.

We have explained Tantra in detail in this part Of this valuable The Sadhaks are requested to use the Tantras with earnest desires and following the directions as indicated.

The Application of Tantra is very critical and secret. Every religion occult were practising tbe Tantrik Methodology in different forms. The Modern age dominated by science and Technology is coming closer to the methods of Tantra and Yantra. 

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

Contact  :  91 9094663458


Consultation Strictly By Appointment Only

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday


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