Vasiyam , Kerala Mantrigam

All your problems are challenged and solved -

( No Force in the universe can stop a mans destiny .If he is binded to his destiny ---Aham Brahasmi)

1. Problems within husband and wife - Vasiya Proyogam (108 type)
2. Issues with your partner - Vasiya Mohanam
3.Enemy Problems -Stambanam
4.Legal Problems - asura Vijaya Eval
5. Money Issues -Kubera Akarashanam
6. Business - Dhana Vasiya Proyog

Results within 3 - 48 days , 100 % Sure shot solutions , Unleash the power of your subconsicous mind through ancient kerala mantrigam

Institute of Yogic Science
Vgp Garden , Chennai 51

For Appointments with Yoga and Mantriga guru Sai Athavan
Cell : 00 91 9094663458
Email : 


  1. Sir, Am Poornima married girl.Last january26 my marriage made by parents.
    He is good and hard work person both had problem by his family they only want his money and not will for his life. his mother was prostute women who life by other mens money both his family except my husband so all womens sin for me and my husband and also they made vasiyam for my husband and made mandriham to live seperatlyfor i wish to take my husband and me from that family's sin and from mandhrim, vasiyam. So kindly help me sir.
    My Phone No.8056787849-Poornima.S(Mogappair west ,Chennai)

  2. Greetings sir. I prefer to identify myself as anonymous. I am in love with a girl n she loves me so much. We want to get married and settle in life. But her parents forced her to marry another person. She doesn't like that life and want to join hands with me.. We don't want to harm anyone, even the person who married her.. Let him marry another girl n have a prosperous life. I want her back. Please help me and guide me. My mobile 9840812321

  3. how to create power to win all things in a fue seconds. please tell me

  4. hi am bhuvana my husband name sathya some problem in my husband pls vasiyam to my husband sathya (8870953410) my num

  5. hi sir am bhuvana my husband name sathya my husband connection in other girl pls vasiyam in my husband pls sir (8870953410)

  6. hi am bhuvana my husband name sathya my husband connection with other girl pls vasiyam in my husband


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