Mantra and Rules of Worship:-

"Oong Kareeng Hareeng Sharceng Lalecng Hasoo Jagtu-prasutaye Namah."

Roles and Methods:- Having completed the religious duties of the morning including 'Pith Nyasa' as mentioned in Lakshami mantra, Rishi Nyas is to be performed. Then after purifying Of the hand Nyasa of Panch Bija is to be practised by adding Pranab at the begining and Names at the end while counting the joints of the fingers. Then Nayasa of the entire body from the crown of the head to the sole Of the toe is to be performed with the basic mantra. After this Nyasa of 'Sapta.bhatu' such as skin, flesh, blood, fat, bone, marrow and semen is to be practised by uttering the mantra.

By purifying the palm with the basic mantra, Nyasa of Pancha Bij' is to be performed with Five fingers. This is to be followed by "Kara Nayasa" and 'Anga Nyasa' with the above mantra.

Meditate on the Goddess after 'Manas Puja' and conch is placed. After that Pitha Puja and Panch pushpa etc. is to be performed. Perform 'Abaran Puja'. Then puja of 'Asta Shakti' such as Uma and others is to be performed on lotus petals. After this 'Sankhanidhi' on the right 'Padmanidhi' on the left and Burun in the West are to be worshipped.

The twelve Rashis, nine planets, and eight elephants (Asta Gaja) such as Oirabat, Pundarik, Baman and others are to be worshipped all round the Goddess. To be followed by the puja of Indra and other Gods with their Weapons. Then puja is to be completed with the immersion of incense etc. Twelve Lakhs japas are to be perforrned for purascharan of this Mantra. At the end of Purascharan one lakh twenty thousands burnt offering (Homa) with lotuses are necessary.

If Sadhaka performs the puja of Gods and Goddesses with Rituals, methods and rules in soul and body, he is sure to meet with success.

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

Contact  :  91 9094663458


Consultation Strictly By Appointment Only

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday


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