Mantra:- All human desires and ambitions are fulfilled by uttering the mantra of this God. The God is to be worshipped with the mantra Gang.

Rules and Methods of Worship:- After completing all religious duties of the morning including 'Pith Nyas' all Other Gods are to be worshipped by uttering.

"Om Teevaraye Namah Jawaliney Nandaye Bhogdaye Kamrupenaye Uraye Tej Vatye Satyaye Viginnashinaye Sarvshakti kamalasanye Namah."

Seat is to be offered to this God with this pith mantra. This is to be followed by 'Rishi Nyas' and 'Karanga Nyas'. After this, the devotee is to meditate on this God and at the end Of 'Manasa Puja' 'Arghya' is to be placed. This being over. 'Pith Puja', and Puja of 'pith Devata' on the crest Of the
lotus petal is to be performed. Then, repetation of meditation of this God is to be followed by invocation and offering of 'Panels Pushpa'. Thereafter, 'Abaran puja' and worship Of all other Gods with this mantra. 'Om Ganadipatye Namah' etc. are to be performed. Then the devotee has to perform Satauga Puja. This God is to be worshipped on the petals of lotuses by reciting the mantra:-

"Om Bakartundoye Namaha, Om Ekdantaye Namah Om Mahadevaye               Namah, Om Gajannaye Namah, Om Lambodraye Namah, Om Vitaye               Namaha, Om Viganbajaye Namaba, Om Dhumarvaneyc Namaha."

Thus the Pooja Of this God is to be completed With the ceremonial throwing away and discarding Of incense etc. Vour Lakhs Japas are required to be performed for puraschran of this Mantra. 

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

Contact  :  91 9094663458


Consultation Strictly By Appointment Only

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday


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