Dear all

Website has been launched where u can buy all types of services


Mai ( rakshas )

talisman /thayathu /elas 

puja articles

powerfull herbs for mantrikam 

Online prasanam 

Online services

write to
call @ 9094663458

thanks for your support 
Annadhanam Scheme is being intiated require all your support without u all i would not have made it
God is making u all happy with me as a device and i thank for all who have shared it to the world by giving the poor food .

happiness to all in the name of ma 
Surrendering at her feet  .... 



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Life js to live don't worry .call me sisterb .I wil help uou

  2. Don't worry . Life is to live happily. Surely I will solve your problem . These things are all solved very easily . Pls call me @ 9094663458 .I will help u


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