For the first time the vasiyam techniques of aghoris are being taught and practiced in chennai. and this vasiyam in chennai it may be the first of its kind to solve all problems in life and to lead an happy life A simple mantra to solve husband and wife problems 1. light a ghee lamp 2. recite the moola mantra 108 times morning 6 am and evening 6 pm 3. Your conflicts will vanish within some days if done with complete faith in god. moola mantra om lkleem lakleem mama pursha /barya mama vasiya vasiya akarshaya swaha .. for advanced puja karamas and guidance Contact 9094663458 for puja and other proyogas
Dear All, As per the request of my devotees and sishyas, I am disclosing an simple tantra for instant vasiyam . It is expected to work within 1 minutes and a maximum of 3 hours but if the time and stars of the persons are not good enough ,this vasiyam will not work. It works on all virgins of all sex 1. Take 18 cooriander seeds , ( represents 18 leaves of manipuraka chakra) 2. recite the mantra om om _____*persons name * mama vasiyam kuru kuru swaha (18 * 6) times you will make it 108 times ( ie for all major six chakras )--( moola dhara, swathistana, manipuraka, anakatha Vishudhi, agna) on the cooriander with a ghee lamp that thing and have wine after that 4. U will create a mystical bondage between that person and you 5. let all praise go maha Kali amma and maha bairava for his blessings on his slave Power mantra Yoga is now taught , Acheive anything in life ..come out of disease and worldly problems jai Maha kali ma ,happiness to all in the name of ma, bairava swamy mayan...
the art of making persons attarct each other is called vasiyam vasiyam is one of the 8 siddhis described and gifted by the siddhars .out of which the last one is very dnagerous and is used hurt people or animals and its called maranam the todays sei vinai , billi , suniyam , eval all these are feather components of maranam maranam has got a sisterly art called as pethanam , means distraction, it is beleived that it destroys mental health of the victim the another sisterly evil art is vithvesanam which means separation ,it is opposite to vasiyam in action , even today most of people donot practice evil arts but vasiyam is said to help the society vasiyam is done through two methods 1. internal 2. external Externally certain rare herbs described by siddhars and their practical application in attracting persons are as similar tyo the art of hypnotism or telepathy which is proven 1. through pujas 2. through some basic methods with some materials such as photo and idol... 3.through...
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