SHIVA PUJA : — "Om Hareeng Hoong Namah Shivaye."

Method or Worship:- After finishing the morning religious duties and 'Pranayam' first according to the rules of ordinary puja, 'Nyas' of 'Sree Kantha', 'Ananta', 'Sukshama', 'Bharbhuti', 'Hari Trimurthi', 'Ambareswar', Arghysh', Akrur Maheshwar' and others and combined image of Rudra and his Sakti is to be performed after completion Of 'Pith Puja' according to usual rites of Puja. It is mentioned in Sarada Tilaka that Bama, Jyastha, Raudri, Kali, Kalasikarani,
Bala Bikarami, Balapramathini Sarbabhuta damini are the pith Sakti "Asan Puia" Of Shiva is to be performed With Mantra.

"Namo Bhagwate Sakalgunatrnshkatiyuktaye Anantaye Yogpethanman Namah."

Then it is to be worshipped by invoking him on this seat (Asan).

This is to be followed by 'Nyasa of Rishis'. After this 'Karanga Nyasa' and 'Nyasa' of  'Panchamurthi' namely, Ishan, Tatpurusha, Aghore, Bamadeva and Sadya Jata and Panchakala Nyasa Of Ishan are to be completed. Then 'Nyasa' Of the six limits or the body Of Maheshwara is to be practiced. Next the Sadhaka is to meditate on the God SHIVA, Keeping his image before the mind's eye. After completion Of meditation 'Arghya' is to placed. Conch is not used in SIVA Puja, This is to be followed by 'Pith Puja' according to Saiva cult. Then Abatan puja is to be performed after invocation and offering of Pancha pushpa to this God. Finally the puja is to be completed with the ceremonial immersion of incense etc. and Other religious rites. Five lakhs japas for Purascharan and fifty thousands Homa are necessary.

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

Contact  :  91 9094663458


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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday


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