Saraswati :- The Goddess is to Worshipped by uttering the following mantras "Om Hareeng Hescoo Om Sarwntie Namah".

Method Of Worship : —

After completing the religious rites in the morning including "Pitha Nyas" "Rishi Nyas" is to be performed according to the rules enunciated in the Shastras, Then "Kara Nyas" is to be gone through with etc This is to befollowed by 'Sarauga Nyas'. Then 'Mantra Nyas' is to be performed in eleven places namely cerebrum, brow, right eye, left Eye, right ear, right and left nostrils, mouth. rectum and foot by utterng :-

"Om Namaha Hareeng Namaha, Aaeeng Namaha
Hareeng Namuha 0m Namaha. Sam Namah, Ram
Namah, Savam Namah, Nem Namaha, Mam Namaha".

All Other puja rites and mantras are to be performed and uttered according to the rules and method of worship as explained below. These methods and rules too apply for the worship Of “BAGFSWARI".

The mantra Of Goddess, Who bestows knowledge and without whom the Whole world remains steeped in ignorance and dullness of intellect contains ten letters. The Jantra Of Bageswari fullfills all desires of men. The ten letters of 'Saraswati' is formed by adding Adri after Barun which results in and then by putting after.

Method of Worship:- After completing the religious rites of the morning 'Pith Nyas' as usual. Nyas of Gods is to be performed by uttering etc. (Om
Medayee namaha, Om Prajaye Namaha). This is to be followed by 'Nyas Of Rishi' uttering (Shirsi Kanv Rishie Namaha) according to the rules mentioned in the Sastras. Then a devotee is to practice 'Kara Anga Nyas' by uttering the mantra and so on. After completing 'Anga Nyas' he is to meditate on the Goddess. After this, place the conch. Then perform 'Pith Puja'. Paja of 'pitha-Devata', namely Goddess of intellect, meditation, invocation, and offering of 'Pancha Pushpa' to the Goddess and one after another. Thereafter puja Of 'Japa, Satya. Bimala'. 'Jnana', Buddhis Medha and Prajna is to be performed on the lotus petals. After this, Brahmins and Others and gods or all directions with their weapons are to be worshipped. These ceremonies being over, puja Of the Goddess is to be completed with the ceremonial discarding of Dhupa etc. and concomitant rites Of immersion. Ten Lakhs of Japa are necessary for Purascharan Of this mantra. 

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

Contact  :  91 9094663458


Consultation Strictly By Appointment Only

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday


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