Vasiyam using ancient tantric mediatation -Instant result

As per the request of my disciples I am blogging one more technique

1. Pray to your kula deiva , the god of your family in muladhara chakra ,do puja in muladharam using appropriate bijam ,

om lam ---   nama * 1008 , after this u can feel an energy difference in your body

2. Write the name of your beloved ones in the bhoojpatra leaf  using white alari stem  with gorajanai ink

3. Insert the bhoojpatra in the honey

4. Concentrate on your anakatha chakra

5. Pray to lord eswar ,incharge of anakatha chakra and recite

Om namo bhagawadhe ,ee ----- Mama vassiyam mama akarshya guru guru swaha

for 1 lakh and 8 times ,

Once this will start working you can see green light in the anakatha chakra ...And if you are able to see green aura in your anakatham ...then be cool it will work in 3 days ..Else there may be some difficulties in getting things achieved.

For advanced Mantrika pujas and Astrology


Maha Mantrika chakravarthi  Sai
No: 03 VGP Gardens ,Chennai 53

Consultation Strictly by appointment only
0091 9094663458


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