Healing using Anakatha chakram for depression and healing
Heart Chakra Meditation Process Sit in a comfortable position, either cross-legged on the floor or on a chair. Sit with your back up straight, shoulders relaxed and chest open, remember that the body should not feel stressed. Breathe in the palms of the hands and ankles gently press your thumb on the sternum at the level of the heart (you should do a little class to the fingers feel magically fit). Breathe slowly, gently and deeply into the abdomen and chest. Easily close your eyes. Aside any thoughts or distractions and that the Spirit moves on the feeling of the breath to focus in and out of your body. It will take some time and once the mind feels calm and quiet, bring your attention to the slight pressure of the thumb pressing against your chest and feel your heartbeat. Keep this approach said a few minutes ago, at five minutes. . Next gently release your hands and rub both palms together, which are very hot, you will feel with power. Put your right hand on the center of the chest ...